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Denison Ministerial Alliance

Denison Ministerial 


means to me



Whether you're new to Denison and have not yet found a church home? Have you wanted to learn what church and the Bible are all about but don’t know when or how to get started? Connect with a church today.



Have you fallen out of the habit of church attendance? Do you have friends or church family who you miss on Sundays? Reconnect today with your church.



The churches of Denison may worship in different styles and in different buildings, but there is much more that unites us than divides.

a church?

The Covid 19 pandemic caused church attendance to fall all across the country, as churches were forced to close their doors or rely heavily on streaming services. Some individuals and families fell out of the church-going habit; many others have moved to Denison during this time period and were not able to connect with a church family. Now Denison churches are prepared to safely gather once again.


We want to encourage everyone to consider the great gift God has given us in one another. Being part of a local church is much more than attending a weekly event. It’s part of God’s plan for our growth, for loving others and being loved, and as a witness to the world. You are invited to come back to experience the gift of belonging to and serving in a church family and it’s a welcome for all people to hear the good news of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ and to experience through his church.


If you are not active in a church family, now is a great time to jump in and get involved! Whether your new to the faith or just new to town, you have the opportunity to discover the hope and truth of the gospel, lived out with others who will help you and support you in your walk with God.


If you’re already active in a local church, you have the opportunity to invite your neighbors, the man, woman, or family who moved in down the street, or encourage other church members who might have gotten out of the habit of church attendance to be a part a Denison Church. 

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